Enric Solé

Enric Solé

Co-Founder & CEO at Circles House

Circles is a Barcelona-based human-driven startup building a global and decentralised urban and nature boutique coliving chain for conscious entrepreneurs

About speaker

Meet Enric, a true pioneer in the world of startups and digital nomadism. His journey began at just 22 when, fresh off a year in a startup in NYC during the internet boom, he founded SITmobile, a company that quickly made waves in mobile services in Europe and the Americas. As CEO, Enric grew SITmobile into a multimillion-dollar business, spanning multiple continents. He’s been living the digital nomad lifestyle long before it became a buzzword.
After selling SITmobile to an Australian group in 2014, after having lived in the UK, France, Germany, NYC, India, Mexico and Brasil, Enric continued his entrepreneurial journey from Silicon Valley, launching and scaling ventures across the globe, after 5 years he came back to Barcelona for the pandemic to start a hackerhouse. He’s now channeling his passion for innovation into his latest projects, including Circles.house—a cutting-edge coliving concept for the digital nomad community which is an evolution of the first building started as a hackerhouse as the pandemic only accelerated this lifestyle.
Enric is dedicated to helping the next generation of entrepreneurs, both as a mentor and an angel investor, as well as from Circles.house!
Whether it’s in Barcelona or Silicon Valley, Enric is all about creating spaces and opportunities for like-minded people to connect and thrive.

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Enric Solé

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