Speak at our conference

Share your expertise, insights, and innovations with industry leaders and professionals at our upcoming conference.

Reasons to become a speaker

Explore the benefits of speaking at our conference and how it can elevate your profile and impact within the shared living community.

Thought Leadership

Position yourself as a thought leader and influencer in the shared living industry by sharing your expertise and insights on key topics and trends.

Elevated Networking

Boost your networking opportunities as a speaker, gaining increased visibility and engagement from industry peers and potential collaborators.

Brand Visibility

Increase your personal and/or professional brand visibility and recognition by speaking on stage and being featured in conference marketing materials, reaching a targeted audience of industry professionals and stakeholders.

Unlock exclusive benefits as a speaker

Explore the unique advantages of participating as a speaker at our conference, where you'll not only share your expertise but also gain valuable insights, connections, and exposure.

Coliving Conference Speaking Opportunities to Enhance your visibility
Amplified Visibility

Benefit from enhanced visibility within the industry as a featured speaker at our conference. Your participation will be promoted across various channels, including social

Thought Leadership Platform

Position yourself as a thought leader in the coliving industry by sharing your insights and expertise with a captive audience. Benefit from opportunities to showcase your knowledge, gain credibility, and establish yourself as a go-to expert in your field.

Coliving Conference Speaking Opportunities Thought Leadership
Coliving Conference Speaking Opportunities to Grow Your Busines
Grow Your Business

Showcase your innovative solutions and attract potential partners, clients, and collaborators by demonstrating your expertise on our platform. As a speaker, you will have the opportunity to highlight your unique value proposition, sparking interest and driving business opportunities beyond the conference.

Curious about previous editions?

Explore highlights from our past edition and discover why Coliving Conference is the premier event in the shared living industry.


View companies that attended last year's conference.


Read what attendees and sponsors had to say about their experience at the conference.

View Testimonials
Speakers on stage of Coliving Conference


Discover the respected speakers who shared insights and expertise at the previous edition.

Coliving Conference flying banner during a networking session


Browse through photos capturing memorable moments from the conference.

Explore speaking opportunities

Explore the different collaboration formats for speaking opportunities and find the best fit for your expertise and objectives.

Elevate your presence

Secure a paid speaking slot to elevate your presence and showcase your product/expertise to a captive audience. Benefit from enhanced visibility, credibility, and recognition among industry professionals and potential partners.

Expand your influence

Secure a complimentary speaking opportunity, reserved for select industry experts and thought leaders, to expand your influence and contribute to significant discussions within the coliving industry.

Please note that the availability of complementary speaking slots is subject to approval by our programme curators. These slots are reserved for select industry experts and thought leaders. The programme curators reserves the right to accept or decline speaking opportunities based on the curated agenda for the conference and topics.

Discover speaking opportunities through the deck

Request your personalaccess to the deck through the section below

Discover all the perks of speaking Coliving Conference 2025

Elevate your presence, showcase your brand, increase your visibility and explore many more advantages that speaking at Coliving Conference has.

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Get in touch

Interested in speaking at our event? Fill out the form below to inquire about speaking opportunities, or reach out to us with any questions or suggestions.

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