Christian Scheuerl

Christian Scheuerl

Managing Partner at Neworld Investment Management GmbH

Neworld is an early stage investor into famous coliving and service apartment brands. Its portfolio includes brands like Stayery, TheBase, Lively, and Scaling Spaces

About speaker

Christian Scheuerl is Managing Partner at Neworld Investment Management GmbH. In this role he is responsible for structuring investment entities, JVs and AIFs in the the coliving sphere. He is also spearheading the fundraising and investment teams at neworld. Christian Scheuerl played a leading role in the conception and equity raising of SHV Student Housing Venture I (MPC Student Housing Fund). The total deal volume amounts to approximately € 200m. He was responsible for the development of ca. 1200 PBSA units in Germany and introduced the Staytoo brand in Germany. Christian and his team received the first “Best co-revolution” award from The Class Awards in 2017 for Staytoo’s asset in Kaiserslautern. This award brought much attention to coliving project at a time when this asset class was merely established in Germany. He is a well known expert in the PBSA and Coliving industry and a regular speaker at conferences. Christian holds a MBA from IREBS and a law degree from Bucerius.

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Christian Scheuerl

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